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PK Mineral Fertilizers

MacroSpeed Fosfor Plus
  • 500 kg

PK Mineral Fertilizers

MacroSpeed® Fosfor Plus

Granulated phosphorus fertilizer

  • 500 kg

Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5): 46.9
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in neutral ammonium citrate solution: 45
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) soluble in water: 41.9
Calcium oxide (CaO) soluble in water: 24

Application benefits

  • Stimulates the development of the root system and increases the number of root hairs
  • Increases the uptake and use of nitrogen
  • Improves plant tillering and stem stiffness
  • Stimulates flowering and extends pollen viability
  • Encourages fruit and seed setting and reduces dropping of buds
  • Increases plant tolerance to low temperatures and periodic water deficiency
  • Improves crop volume and quality

What makes mineral fertiliser MacroSpeed® Fosfor Plus stand out?

Very high content of phosphorus in the form of dihydrogen phosphate, easily assimilable by plants

Phosphorus quickly available to plants – more than 90% soluble in water

High calcium content

physical parameters
- uniform granules
- bulk density
1000-1200 kg/m3

Uniform sowing up to a width of 36 m

When to use

Pre-sowing and top dressing for all crop species; particularly recommended for soils with low or very low affluence of assimilable phosphorus and for crops with higher requirements for this element

Recommendations for use


CropCerealsRapeCornPotatoSugar beetFaba bean plants
Dosage [kg/ha]*150-250150-250200-300200-300200-300150-250200-300
* In order to accurately identify fertilisation needs, it is necessary to carry out chemical determinations of the nutrient content of the soil.