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Microelement Foliar Fertilizers

Agravita® Zn
  • 5 l, 20 l

  • 200 l

Microelement Foliar Fertilizers

Agravita® Zn

Simple inorganic micronutrient fertilizer, mineral micronutrient fertilizer in solution, 11% Zn

  • 5 l, 20 l

  • 200 l

11% zinc (Zn) in the form of water-soluble sulfate

Application benefits

  • Increases the levels of indoleacetic acid (growth hormone)
  • Intensifies the development of the root system
  • Improves nitrogen uptake from soil
  • Increases plant resistance to low temperatures, drought and pathogens
  • Prolongs the photosynthetic activity of leaves – increases the weight of 1000 seeds
  • Increases carbohydrate, protein and vitamin content

What makes foliar fertiliser Agravita® Zn 14.8 stand out?

Liquid formulation

Quick and complete solubility in water

High concentration of zinc in sulphate form

Excellent miscibility

Easy absorption and fast action

When to use

Particularly effective on soils with pH > 7; on sandy soils; with high content of organic matter – strong binding of zinc by humus compounds; during cool and wet spring; at high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilisation; under conditions of corn cultivation in monoculture; when symptoms of zinc deficiency appear

Recommendations for use

CropsDosage [l/ha]Amount of water [l/ha]Number of applicationsTime of application
Cereals1-2200-3002Autumn, from 3-leaf phase Spring, from the start of vegetation to the flag leaf phase.
Rape1-3200-3002-3Autumn, from 4-6 leaf phase. Spring, from the start of vegetation until the end of green bud phase. At the petal drop stage
Corn2-4200-3002-3From 2-leaf phase to technical possibility of application
Potatoes2-4200-3002From full emergence until the end of the flowering phase.
Beetroots2-3200-3002From 4-leaf phase to the intensive root growth phase.
Faba bean plants1-2200-3001-2From full emergence to the beginning of flowering.
Vegetables1-2400-6002-3During the intensive growth period, at 10-14 day intervals.
Fruit trees and bushes2-5500-10002-3As a preventive or intervention measure in the entire growing season.
Grassland1-2200-3002-3From the start of spring vegetation until September – 7-10 days after swath/grazing.